
Unleashing a Dog’s Superpower

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Man’s best friend is a dedicated and lovable companion for so many, but their unique capabilities also make them a powerful asset across many functions. At Enhanced Protection Services, we know the incredible value canines bring to detecting explosives and firearms. With a sense of smell estimated to be at least 10,000 times more sensitive than that of a human, dogs are skillful scent detectives. There are six million olfactory receptors in our human noses. Dogs have a whopping 300 million! Because a much larger portion of their brains is dedicated to analyzing scents, they can uniquely pick up odors at the molecular level. The difference is between smelling spaghetti sauce cooking on the stove and separately smelling the tomatoes, onions, garlic and individual herb ingredients that make up the sauce.

CanineDogs in the Workforce

Detection canines have a long history of helping humans track what we are unable to see or sense. Today, with proper imprintation and training, canines are put to work finding just about anything – from explosives and firearms to missing people to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to disease and viruses. Enhanced Protection Services Security currently has more than 850 single-purpose, single-handler Canine Detection Teams deployed internationally to sniff out the threat of homemade explosives (HMEs), firearms, narcotics or technical devices like lithium batteries. They are at work in the places we all go every day, including sports and entertainment venues, transportation hubs, landmarks, and commercial real estate buildings. And do not let their tail-wagging temperament and puppy-dog eyes fool you – while on the job, detection dogs like Enhanced Protection Services’s Tacoma are always on patrol for the bad guys. At the same time, they create a welcoming environment for employees and guests.Man with canine


Proven Specificity Training

Detection canines are carefully hand-selected from sporting and hunting breeds for personality, intelligence and drive. This rigorous vetting is the first step in Enhanced Protection Services’s proven six-phase training philosophy and relies on a significant level of existing socialization within the dog, which accelerates the training process and yields better results.
