
What to Look for in Your Security Guard Company

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Security is important, especially in today’s environment. Hiring a security company to protect your business is a step in the right direction. However, making the wrong choice could be detrimental. In order to maximize the safety of your employees and facilities as well as your investment, here are a few questions to ask before hiring a security guard company.


Important Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Security Company


1. What is the company’s rate of turnover for guards or other security personnel?

A high rate of turnover could mean that the company is not hiring the best people from the start. You want a company that is as vigilant in its selection process for guards as you are with your selection process for a security company. If the rate is high, inquire as to why it is so high.

2. How long has the company been in existence?

It is important that the company is well established and experienced. Ensure that they are capable of fulfilling the security needs of your company. 

3. What is the company’s client base? What can they tell you?

Knowing who utilizes the services of the company can show if this is going to be a good fit. It is also important to seek out two references from the company’s client base to get another perspective on the company.


                                -Has the client had any issues with the company?

                                - Are the guards reliable?

                                -Do they miss tours? How often?

                                -Are they consistently on time?


Asking these kinds of questions will help in the selection process for a security company. It is important to be choosy when it comes to security because choosing the wrong company could have a negative impact on the safety of your employees and business.


How Enhanced Protection Services hire security personnel

From the point of view of a security company, Enhanced Protection Services also has a choosy selection process for all employees, especially security personnel. We take pride in hiring experienced and professional employees in order to provide the best service for our customers.

  1. When looking for a security guard or dog Handler, Enhanced Protection Services looks for law enforcement or prior military experience. Additionally, special units such as the bomb squad or detective bureau are especially sought after. For our highest caliber protection positions, we recruit individuals with a minimum of 15 years of law enforcement or military experience.
  2. The prospective hire must look and act professional. Their professionalism or lack thereof will be clear to the client and reflect poorly on Enhanced Protection Services. They should also be able to adapt to any situation and maintain a calm demeanor.
  3. Background checks are an important part of the selection process. Scanning social media sites is also critical. If Enhanced Protection Services can see everything, so can clients. A lot of people today are willing to put their lives on display via the internet, therefore a person’s sites can show and tell us a lot.
  4. Enhanced Protection Services also requires at least two references. The references are people that worked with the prospective hire and can tell us about the person in the workplace. We look for any oddities they can alert us of. Additionally, co-workers can provide the level of professionalism the prospect operates at on a daily basis. References can let us know how reliable the person is, if there were any issues, and if the person is consistently late.