
Spreading goodwill across the globe – and staying secure on the roads less traveled

A client once told us “You make traveling easier, so we travel more.” That is the essence of what we want to achieve with our secure travel services.

Making travel “easier” sounds simple but can be far from it. Much of the work that goes into keeping our clients safe, happy and productive while on the road occurs out of the spotlight and well before the principal leaves home or the hotel. One of the ways that we ease the travel burden for our clients and our own staff is advisory reports before and during trips. Such forward thinking provides an overview of predictable risks, and makes for an easier and safer time on the ground.


The challenge: Keep travelers to remote locations in nine countries on four continents up-to-date with local security conditions.

A client approached us with an ambitious philanthropic project that would require a significant amount of travel. Due to the nature of their project they would not be traveling to major business hubs with international hotels and predictable logistics. Instead, their itinerary would take them to slums, shantytowns and remote villages in rural districts.

Could ϲʹ® Executive Protection & Intelligence Services keep travelers abreast of local conditions in general – and security threats in particular – before the journey began and as the client group progressed on its trip?


The solution: Utilize trained staff and intelligence tools to prepare pre-departure dossiers and daily reports.

To make their trip a success we would need to gather a broad range of information to prepare the travelers for a unique set of security challenges that accompany visits far from the beaten path.

ϲʹ® Executive Protection & Intelligence Services Operations Center’s analysts have access to advanced data-gathering tools and techniques that make even the most remote areas on the planet feel accessible and familiar. Our analysts thus compiled, analyzed and reported all the information that our client required, including pre-trip risk assessments and other country-specific data as well as daily briefs on remote locations while the team traveled in-country.


The results: Armed with timely, relevant information the client had a safe and productive trip through unpredictable territory.

Daily reports from operators made sure that the client and their security detail were always aware of what lay ahead on their journey. Travelers gained peace of mind knowing that if the security situation changed overnight, they would know about the new developments as soon as they awoke.

Our client had a safe, successful trip and expanded their travel itinerary from previous years. Despite traversing unforgiving paths in some of the world’s least developed areas, our client made it to all planned locations, bringing smiles to thousands of young children along the way.