
Mobile Technology While Driving

Use Caution When Using Mobile Technology While Driving

The development of new technologies has made traveling easier, more enjoyable and more direct. However, the use of these technologies while driving can be dangerous.

Cell Phones – Calls and Texting

Today, cell phones have the ability to help the user multi-task. From making a phone call or sending a text message, to checking the weather, cell phones can be considered mini-computers. However, helpful technology can interfere while driving.

  • Never use a handheld mobile phone while driving. Instead, stop in a safe place to take or make a call or to send a text message.

  • Use a hands-free kit. Many new cars and cell phones offer Bluetooth capability.person texting while driving

  • Ask a passenger to dial or answer the phone.

  • Avoid stressful calls – call back when the car is safely parked. Mental distractions can also cause accidents.

  • Choose to turn off the phone while driving.

  • Look at new technologies that disable the ability to send or receive calls or text messages while in the car. Incoming calls can be sent straight to voice mail and texts can be sent an automated reply indicating the recipient is driving.

GPS Systems

  • Be extra-careful to avoid being distracted by the GPS. The touch screen and multiple menu options can draw your eyes and attention away from the road.

  • Don't program the GPS while moving. Enter your destination before you depart. If you need to cancel or change a destination, pull over in a safe area. Some GPS navigators have optional settings that will prevent address input while the car is in motion.

  • Rely primarily on the voice directions, with an occasional glance at the map.

  • Mount the GPS away from important sight lines. It's usually easy to position your GPS near the dashboard and out of key driving sight lines.

iPod or MP3 Player

  • Do not wear headphones while driving. This can cause hearing to be greatly reduced. Drivers are unable to hear if someone is honking or if sirens are blaring.

  • Use the MP3 or iPod adapter cord for your car. The music can be heard through the car speakers, eliminating the use of headphones.

  • Scrolling through songs on your iPod or MP3 player while driving is certainly as hazardous as texting or dialing a number. Create a playlist before leaving your house.

  • Have a passenger control the music.


For more information on using mobile technology while driving…