
Personal Theft Safety

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Robbery can happen at any time. It is important to always be aware of your surroundings but to also know how to protect yourself should you ever be put into a robbery situation.

Always Protect Yourself

  • Walk with your head up, make eye contact with others, have confidence and move at a steady pace.women behind her shoulder at robber

  • Stay in well-lit, heavily traveled areas. Avoid alleys, dark parking lots or secluded areas.

  • If you wear headphones while walking, keep the volume low so you can hear other noises.

  • Avoid texting and walking as your attention is not on where you are going or who is coming toward you.

  • Don’t walk alone at night. Walk in groups as there is always safety in numbers.

  • If you are going to a particular destination, let someone know you are on your way and approximately what time you will arrive.

  • If you are carrying a wallet, keep it in your purse or bag and carry it close to your body. Do not leave personal items unattended at any time.

  • Vary your route. Take a different path so you don’t become predictable.

What If I Get Robbed?

  • Don’t panic. Stay calm and breathe and just let the robber have whatever they want. Your personal safety is worth more than anything you may have
    on your person. 

  • Remember what the robber looks like. Look for distinguishing marks, scars and tattoos. Compare your height and weight to that of the attacker. 

  • If the aggressor states they have a weapon, assume this is true and that they may use it. Fully cooperate with their instructions.

  •  If you see someone else getting robbed, report it to the police immediately, when it is safe for you to do so.

After a Robbery

  • Watch the direction in which the attacker flees. If they are in a vehicle, get the color, make, model and license plate number.

  • Notify the police as soon as you can and give them all of the characteristics of the attacker. If your wallet was stolen, notify your bank and credit card companies.  

  • Go to a safe place. If you are not near your destination, go to a public place for help. If you are near your destination, get there and lock the doors.

  •  If there are witnesses, ask them to wait for the police, or obtain their contact information.


For more information on theft safety...