
See Something, Say Something

If You See Something, Say SomethingTM 

The national "If You See Something, Say Somethingâ„¢" campaign was developed to raise public awareness of indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, and to emphasize the importance of reporting suspicious activity to the proper authorities.

Police and security forces are hard at work, but public safety is the responsibility of all individuals. The participation of ordinary citizens is an integral part of our homeland security efforts. You know your everyday surroundings best - neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, parks and transportation systems, and chances are you will notice when something seems strange or out of place. Be alert for suspicious behavior including abandoned vehicles, unauthorized individuals, strange packages or unusual odors.

Additionally, all employees need to be alert for potential risks at their workplace. Strange behavior or suspicious activity should be reported to proper authorities immediately. If you see something, say something!

Who to Notify

  • Police
  • Security
  • Contact your manager in the workplace 
  • Call 911

What to Report

  • Describe exactly what the suspicious activity is
  • Precise location
  • The number of people, ages, gender, and physical descriptions of each individual observed
  • Date, time and duration of activity
  • Note vehicle color, make, license plate, etc.

Homeland security begins with hometown safety. Security is a shared responsibility, and each citizen has a role in identifying and reporting suspicious activities. Your community is safer when you are engaged and alert.

For more information…