
Spring Preparation Tips

Prepare for Spring

, lengthening the day by one hour, typically ushers in springtime. Each year, the time officially “springs forward” by one hour to 3:00 a.m. While many smartphones and computers update automatically, you may still need to adjust some clocks in your home before bedtime. Workplace clocks should be adjusted when business resumes after the time change.

Some exceptions exist, including portions of Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands—all of spring flowerswhich do not observe the time change.

Does the practice make a difference? Studies show that the time change is good for business and helps to conserve energy. Cons cited include disruption of the body clock and safety concerns, if people leave their homes in the morning, when it is still dark. According to the website , the debate has been ongoing since the practice was introduced about 100 years ago.

However, because most of the U.S. and Canada adheres to the observance, we thought we’d share some best practices that coincide with the tradition:

Ways to Adjust:

  • Reassess your emergency preparedness. Take the opportunity to ensure that you, your family, employees, businesses and communities are ready to minimize the impacts of disasters and better recover from their devastating effects. Make or refresh emergency kits. Set and rehearse escape routes. Pick meet-up spots and establish phone tree and/or notification systems.

  • Test your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, ensuring that they work at optimal levels year-round. Replace batteries, as needed.

  • Adjust sleep patterns, if necessary.  going to bed earlier to stay on track with your required amount of sleep. Consider leaving early to arrive on time at work on Monday morning.

  • Use the extra hour of daylight for fitness outdoors. Take a walk, go biking or play outside with your kids and pets. Being active promotes good mental and physical health, and doing so outdoors provides even more . Check out  and tips to maintain good health.